unfiled notes


Mick Altmyer

My unfiled notes section is not working. When it was working I would open an
e-mail right click and send the message to OneNote. The program would open
automatically and the message was found in the "Unfiled Notes" section. I
could then move it to any notebook I wanted it in. This feature no longer

I have tried several things. First of all I followed Kathy's suggestion by
watching her movie and trying to re-create the file. When I copy it goes into
a section entitled "Open Sections" I don't know why. When I click on the
tab "Unfiled Notes" I receive this message: "OneNote cannot find the
destination section etc."

I would appreciate any help anyone can give me. Thank you,

Mick Altmyer

Rainald Taesler

Mick said:
I have tried several things. First of all I followed Kathy's
suggestion by watching her movie and trying to re-create the file.

Yes, normally this is working fine.
When I copy it goes into a section entitled "Open Sections" I
don't know why.

Where does this section come from?
Could it be that something went wrong when re-creating the section for
"unfiled" notes?
Which entry for the file-name and the path do you have in "Tools |
Options | Save"?
When I click on the tab "Unfiled Notes" I receive
this message: "OneNote cannot find the destination section etc."

Most probably because a notebook with this name does not exist.

Things to try:
- repeating the procedures laid out by Kathy;
- "optimizing" the cache (Tools | Options | Save | Optimize ..."
- closing all *all* notebooks and the deleting all of what is in the
- "repair" OneNote (Control | Panel | Add and remove software).


Kathy Jacobs

I saw your comment on my blog and posted an idea there that is basically the
beginning of what Rainald has suggested. If things still don't work after
you have gone through his 5 step process, please can you give a more
detailed description of what you are seeing? Remember we don't see what you
see, only what you tell us.

(FYI: I seem to be back to almost normal work level after my latest knee
surgery. That means I should be back here on the boards a little more often.
Thanks to all who picked up slack while I was away.)

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Rainald Taesler

good to hear that your surgery was successful.

All the best wishes for your rehabilitation.


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