Ungroup moves objects in drawing


C Minor

I use Word Picture to draw home designs. With 2002 XP
Pro, when I ungroup a drawing, the lines I have drawn
move randomly around the page. I do not use the canvas
(what a total waste of time THAT concept was!) and I
insert the drawings onto the page rather than draw within
the document.

Any ideas?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi C,
I use Word Picture to draw home designs. With 2002 XP
Pro, when I ungroup a drawing, the lines I have drawn
move randomly around the page. I do not use the canvas
(what a total waste of time THAT concept was!) and I
insert the drawings onto the page rather than draw within
the document.
What do you mean by "I insert the drawings onto the page
rather than draw within the document"?

Do you actually click a button named Word Picture to make
the drawings? And how do you edit them, in the same Picture
Editor? Or are you saying you then use Ungroup instead of
going back into the Picture Editor?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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C Minor


There are two ways to do drawings with Word XP. They can
be done in the document window (on the original document
page) by opening the drawing toolbar, or they can be
inserted into the document using the <insert> <object>
<Word Picture> sequence. I use the insert sequence.

To edit the drawings, I double-click to reopen the

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi C,
they can be
inserted into the document using the <insert> <object>
<Word Picture> sequence. I use the insert sequence.

To edit the drawings, I double-click to reopen the
And when you double-click and come back into the Word
Picture Editor things move around? I've never seen anything
like that happen, before. The closest I've ever seen to
anything like that has been if someone inserts a graphic
file into a textbox, the applies text wrap formatting to
the picture. Did you do anything with text wrap formatting
while working in the picture editor?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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C Minor

No, Cindy, I don't use the text wrap feature in graphics.

Let me clear up one thing. Before I leave the Picture
Editor, I always group the entire drawing. There's a
quirk in Work that's been there since day one. If the
entire drawing isn't grouped, it drops parts of the
drawing on the right side of the page.

Back in the days of Word Draw, that quirk existed as well.

Anyway, when I ungroup the entire drawing, that's when
the lines jump to new positions. If I delete those lines
and redraw them, they stay put but other lines may move
the next time.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi C,
Let me clear up one thing. Before I leave the Picture
Editor, I always group the entire drawing. There's a
quirk in Work that's been there since day one. If the
entire drawing isn't grouped, it drops parts of the
drawing on the right side of the page.

Back in the days of Word Draw, that quirk existed as well.

Anyway, when I ungroup the entire drawing, that's when
the lines jump to new positions. If I delete those lines
and redraw them, they stay put but other lines may move
the next time.
Hmmm, I've never noticed the "cutting off" problem, as a
general rule. But if that's the issue, then I might try
drawing an empty box at the right, just wide enough to
accomdate the problem you see?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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