I have an autoexec macro that fires and hides the database window when the
mdb opens...
My client wants to have a button that closes a form and returns them to the
database window, with the Tables tab selected - but I'm having trouble
accoumplishing this. Here's what I have so far:
1 Private Sub btn_ExitFormOpenDbWindow_Click()
2 DoCmd.Close 'Close the open form
3 DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowUnhide 'unhide cmd window...
4 DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, , True 'select
5 DoCmd.Maximize
6 End Sub
The problem is that the code on line 3 pops up a dialog asking which window
I want to unhide - I want this to be done automatically... any idea how todo
Any thought would be appreciated...
mdb opens...
My client wants to have a button that closes a form and returns them to the
database window, with the Tables tab selected - but I'm having trouble
accoumplishing this. Here's what I have so far:
1 Private Sub btn_ExitFormOpenDbWindow_Click()
2 DoCmd.Close 'Close the open form
3 DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowUnhide 'unhide cmd window...
4 DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, , True 'select
5 DoCmd.Maximize
6 End Sub
The problem is that the code on line 3 pops up a dialog asking which window
I want to unhide - I want this to be done automatically... any idea how todo
Any thought would be appreciated...