Hi all,
I have a workbook containing ~60 worksheets in which I would like to hide
~50 of them but have individual worksheets open on demand. The worksheets
contain hyperlinks to other worksheets within the same workbook and are
simply referenced as an Excel hyperlink. On clicking a hyperlink I would
like it to unhide the relevant worksheet, on hitting the Excel Web 'back'
button I would like it to rehide the relevant worksheet.
Is this feasible as currently constructed or am I looking at additional
macros to replace the hyperlinking?
Extract of the code doing the worksheet hiding:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim wst As Worksheet
'Ensure the Data sheet is hidden and can't be shown without password
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Visible = xlVeryHidden
'Ensure the Exchange Rate sheet is hidden and can't be shown without
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExchangeRates").Visible = xlVeryHidden
'protect the Worksheets from alteration
For Each wst In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
wst.Protect (PWORD)
Next wst
'Unprotect the Exchange Rate Worksheet to obtain Reuters updates
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExchangeRates").Unprotect PWORD
'activate the MainMenu worksheet
'define the data range names
'sort the specifed data ranges
SortDataRanges "Data_AssociatedDealerGroup", "Data_DealerNames",
SortDataRanges "Data_AssociatedUnitCode", "Data_RMCodes"
SortDataRanges "Data_RMUnitCodes", "Data_RMUnitNames"
SortDataRanges "Data_AssDealerGrp", "Data_AssMarginTempl"
Exit Sub
DisplayError Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Workbook_open
End Sub
I have a workbook containing ~60 worksheets in which I would like to hide
~50 of them but have individual worksheets open on demand. The worksheets
contain hyperlinks to other worksheets within the same workbook and are
simply referenced as an Excel hyperlink. On clicking a hyperlink I would
like it to unhide the relevant worksheet, on hitting the Excel Web 'back'
button I would like it to rehide the relevant worksheet.
Is this feasible as currently constructed or am I looking at additional
macros to replace the hyperlinking?
Extract of the code doing the worksheet hiding:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim wst As Worksheet
'Ensure the Data sheet is hidden and can't be shown without password
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Visible = xlVeryHidden
'Ensure the Exchange Rate sheet is hidden and can't be shown without
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExchangeRates").Visible = xlVeryHidden
'protect the Worksheets from alteration
For Each wst In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
wst.Protect (PWORD)
Next wst
'Unprotect the Exchange Rate Worksheet to obtain Reuters updates
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExchangeRates").Unprotect PWORD
'activate the MainMenu worksheet
'define the data range names
'sort the specifed data ranges
SortDataRanges "Data_AssociatedDealerGroup", "Data_DealerNames",
SortDataRanges "Data_AssociatedUnitCode", "Data_RMCodes"
SortDataRanges "Data_RMUnitCodes", "Data_RMUnitNames"
SortDataRanges "Data_AssDealerGrp", "Data_AssMarginTempl"
Exit Sub
DisplayError Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Workbook_open
End Sub