uniform printing issues/bugs




I'm having a very difficult time figuring out how to get a uniform printout
from my OneNotes pages. Initially, my font sizes would vary. I realized that
I needed to uncheck the "scale content to paper width" in the print options.

But then, my pages would potentially cross 2 printed pages horizontally. I
then switch my "paper size" from "auto" to "letter". I thougth this should
solve the problem as things looked correct on the screen.

But, 2 problems still prevent me from printing correctly:

1) The header appears to always print from the 1st page into the undesired
2nd page horizontally when using the letter page size.

2) The default right margin of the text boxes changes depending on where I
started the text box. If I start the text box all the way to the left of the
page, it looks correct on the screen and prints out correctly, i.e. will
print on the same page when NOT using "scale context to paper width. But if I
insert another text box starting in the middle of the page, the right margin
goes BEYOND the right margin of the 1st text box. This doesn't appear to be
correct as this text will not fit onto the page when NOT using "scale context
to paper width".

MS - I would like to use OneNote and I agree that OneNote should reduce
paper use. However, there will ALWAYS be times that I want to print something
out and I want it to print out as it appears on my screen. In order to get
the uniform font size that I want (like Matt), I do not want to use scaling.
Currently, the bug with the header and the bug with the right margin of text
containers appear to make this impossible. This is a significant flaw with
OneNote and one that I hope get's fixed in the next release.

Has anyone figured out a work-around? I saw a related "Font Sizes" thread
from 9/15/2004. Even though my issues are touched on by Matt, no real
solution was provided.


Erik Sojka (MVP)


I'm having a very difficult time figuring out how to get a uniform
printout from my OneNotes pages. Initially, my font sizes would vary.
I realized that I needed to uncheck the "scale content to paper width"
in the print options.

But then, my pages would potentially cross 2 printed pages
horizontally. I then switch my "paper size" from "auto" to "letter". I
thougth this should solve the problem as things looked correct on the

But, 2 problems still prevent me from printing correctly:

1) The header appears to always print from the 1st page into the
undesired 2nd page horizontally when using the letter page size.

That may be related to the content in the header. Do you have a lot of
Notes Containers in the header? Moving the headers closer to the left of
the screen should eliminate having the header content spread out onto
multiple printed pages.
2) The default right margin of the text boxes changes depending on
where I started the text box. If I start the text box all the way to
the left of the page, it looks correct on the screen and prints out
correctly, i.e. will print on the same page when NOT using "scale
context to paper width. But if I insert another text box starting in
the middle of the page, the right margin goes BEYOND the right margin
of the 1st text box. This doesn't appear to be correct as this text
will not fit onto the page when NOT using "scale context to paper

Just to clarify - you're seeing that the default width of the Note
Container stays the same no matter where the left wide of it is? i.e.
it's always ~8.5 inches? The focus is on the Note Containers, and not
the finished, polished document

I think the solution here might be to not always go by what will look
good on the screen (depending on your screen size and resolution and zoom
setting, what's on the screen probably is nothing like what would appear
on a printed page). It may take some tinkering, but I'm confident that
if you can find and stick to a right margin that corresponds properly to
the paper size you want, you'll not need to worry about the issues you've
reported here.
MS - I would like to use OneNote and I agree that OneNote should
reduce paper use. However, there will ALWAYS be times that I want to
print something out and I want it to print out as it appears on my
screen. In order to get the uniform font size that I want (like Matt),
I do not want to use scaling. Currently, the bug with the header and
the bug with the right margin of text containers appear to make this
impossible. This is a significant flaw with OneNote and one that I
hope get's fixed in the next release.

Hopefully the scaling algorithm will be improved in a future release.

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