I'm currently in the middle of (what I believe to be
) my
world-shattering dissertation on when world oil will peak. But I'm
stuck on the simplest of issues. I have graphes (300+) which on the
y-axis display production/reserves ranges for different countries and
on the x-axis display a year range from pre 1900 to 2025. But the year
range is not uniform e.g Pre -, 1904, 1909, 1914 ....... 2024. I mean
it is actually uniform i.e in steps of 5, but I would like the axis to
read Pre -, 1900, 1905, 1910, ...... 2025. I've tried fiddling around
by change from line to scatter graphes, or by changing the number of
catagories between tick mark labels, but to no avail. The problem (as I
see it) lies with the 'Pre-' label which is at the beginning of the
range. But I don't know what to do. Even my University can't seem to
help. Please, any help would be much appreciated. My supervisor is
super-excited to publish my information so that he can send a political
message to the world about the impending world oil shortage.
Kind Regards,
I'm currently in the middle of (what I believe to be
world-shattering dissertation on when world oil will peak. But I'm
stuck on the simplest of issues. I have graphes (300+) which on the
y-axis display production/reserves ranges for different countries and
on the x-axis display a year range from pre 1900 to 2025. But the year
range is not uniform e.g Pre -, 1904, 1909, 1914 ....... 2024. I mean
it is actually uniform i.e in steps of 5, but I would like the axis to
read Pre -, 1900, 1905, 1910, ...... 2025. I've tried fiddling around
by change from line to scatter graphes, or by changing the number of
catagories between tick mark labels, but to no avail. The problem (as I
see it) lies with the 'Pre-' label which is at the beginning of the
range. But I don't know what to do. Even my University can't seem to
help. Please, any help would be much appreciated. My supervisor is
super-excited to publish my information so that he can send a political
message to the world about the impending world oil shortage.
Kind Regards,