Uninstall Japanese Hotmail Hiragana keyboard template?



Installation of Japanese Hotmail changed keyboard to a Japanese Hiragana
keyboard whenever in the Japanese language mode. Desire to change the
keyboard back to US template (using alphanumeric keys) so that when in the
Japanese language mode I can type in Japanese words using the English
alphabet and have the words automatically change to Hiragana(using MSN IME).

Is there a simple method to eliminate the Japanese Hiragana keyboard and
have the keyboard operate as a US English keyboard?

(Simply switching between EN and JP does not eliminate the Japanese Hiragana
keyboard nor does changing the Region to United States eliminate the Japanese
Hiragana keyboard downloaded with Japanese Hotmail; note: have deleted
Japanese Hotmail signup but, that also did not eliminate the Japanese
Hiragana keyboard).

Bob I

perhaps you may do a Windows XP system restore. I don't believe Office
has any control over that.

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