I originally posted a question under "Outlook BCM" and was helped by Vidar
Heen Crosby. However I have decided to repost as the prob is now slightly
OK quick review - Purchase Office 2007 upgrade. Couldn't get BCM loaded. Got
that fixed (Thanks to Vidar). Then hit by the VERY VERY VERY SLOW email
download bug. Did some looking around and found what I thought was the answer
at www.roundtripsolutions.com "Problem with Outlook 2007 - Email receive is
6 hours later I gave up and decided to uninstall Office 2007 and 2003 and
just reload 2003 without BCM. I do after all need to work in order to pay for
this expensive MS Software.
This is where my troubles became big ones.
I could not get 2003 outlook to work. Did the search bit again. Did the fix
the MAPI32.dll (Misleading MS advice) thing again plus the "Real" fix
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033 MSMAPI32.dll
Still no joy. All other office programs work fine. I even took a punt and
reloaded 2007 (But not BCM) and they are all OK but in both cases 2003 & 2007
Outlook will not load.
I get the "Try opening in safe mode" etc. Do that, it starts but then fails
with the send MS a report BS. I have done that once only and the process of
uploading the report to MS took the better part of 20 min.
So I suppose my basic question is "How can I remove all (And I mean ALL -
including that annoying indexing thing) traces of Office 2003 & 2007 and then
reload 2003?
Heen Crosby. However I have decided to repost as the prob is now slightly
OK quick review - Purchase Office 2007 upgrade. Couldn't get BCM loaded. Got
that fixed (Thanks to Vidar). Then hit by the VERY VERY VERY SLOW email
download bug. Did some looking around and found what I thought was the answer
at www.roundtripsolutions.com "Problem with Outlook 2007 - Email receive is
6 hours later I gave up and decided to uninstall Office 2007 and 2003 and
just reload 2003 without BCM. I do after all need to work in order to pay for
this expensive MS Software.
This is where my troubles became big ones.
I could not get 2003 outlook to work. Did the search bit again. Did the fix
the MAPI32.dll (Misleading MS advice) thing again plus the "Real" fix
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033 MSMAPI32.dll
Still no joy. All other office programs work fine. I even took a punt and
reloaded 2007 (But not BCM) and they are all OK but in both cases 2003 & 2007
Outlook will not load.
I get the "Try opening in safe mode" etc. Do that, it starts but then fails
with the send MS a report BS. I have done that once only and the process of
uploading the report to MS took the better part of 20 min.
So I suppose my basic question is "How can I remove all (And I mean ALL -
including that annoying indexing thing) traces of Office 2003 & 2007 and then
reload 2003?