


Heres the problem. I downloaded office 2007 trial on my pc but I don't want
to activate it or use it anymore, I want 2003 back. So if I just uninstalled
2007 would all of my 2003 documents still be there and would it go to the
2003 version? The thing is, I can't re-install 2003 because I don't have the
disc anymore or the activation code. SO, how do I get rid of 2007 and get
2003 back without loss of files and without reinstalling?

Earle Horton

If I had a nickle for every time I have seen this here...

Your documents should be fine. Your Office 2003 should be fine too, unless
you let Office 2007 Setup delete it. You really need to save the disks, and
the Product Key, for as long as you intend to use any Microsoft product.



JoAnn Paules

If you didn't tell your computer that you wanted 2007 in a different
location than 2003 (thereby not upgrading it), you are going to be up a very
famous creek. And without a paddle.

If you upgraded 2003, you are going to have to reinstall with the disks and
the code.

Earle Horton

What do people do with their install media and Product Key's? I have a file
cabinet drawer full of the things, because you just never know.


JoAnn Paules

I think they forget that stuff happens and that sometimes you need to
reinstall. I also suspect some of them are running software that they do not
own. Maybe a friend installed it or it was "borrowed". People do not seem to
understand that that is illegal, not just a simple no-no.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

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