That example is beyond the scope of the code. As the only comment in the
code indicates it works strictly on 1D arrays.
Of course, one could easily argue that the definition of union in the
example you present is not (array("a", "b"), "c",1,"b",2,3) but rather
In any case...
What you want to do is in fact a subset of a larger class of possible data
sources: n-dimensional arrays or variants containing arrays of variants
containing arrays of...
While a solution can be created (I would use a recursive algorithm), it is
not included in this code. The code also doesn't explicitly handle objects,
either native or user-defined, or variables of a custom user type or....
Instead it relies on the default value, if any -- with the attendant and
potentially unintended consequences.
Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions