union problem


tom taol

the below source have problem.
i wanna be value of a11 ~ c12, as follow.

Sub rng_unio_ex()
Dim rng_source As Range, rng_source2 As Range
Set rng_source = Range("a7:c7")'a7=2,b7=5,c7=9
Set rng_source2 = Range("b9:d9")'b9=4,c9=7,d9=8

ReDim arry(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As Range

Set rng_unio = Union(rng_source, rng_source2)
For i = 1 To 2
For k = 1 To 3
m = m + 1
Set arry(i, k) = rng_unio(m)
Range("a11:c12").Value = arry
End Sub

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Tom Ogilvy

Certainly not a generalized solution, but this works:

Sub rng_unio_ex()
Dim rng_source As Range, rng_source2 As Range
Set rng_source = Range("a7:c7") 'a7=2,b7=5,c7=9
Set rng_source2 = Range("b9:d9") 'b9=4,c9=7,d9=8

ReDim arry(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As Range

Set rng_unio = Union(rng_source, rng_source2)
For i = 1 To 2
m = 0
For k = 1 To 3
m = m + 1
Set arry(i, k) = rng_unio.Areas(i)(m)
Range("a11:c12").Value = arry
End Sub

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