What do I need to change so this query will not filter out duplicate records?
I know there is an ALL function but I cannot get the syntax to work.
TRANSFORM Sum([UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].[Current
Value]) AS [SumOfCurrent Value]
SELECT [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].[District Code],
[UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].Source, [UNION - Gas Revenue
and Other Customer Revenue].[District Name], [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other
Customer Revenue].[Report Date]
FROM [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue]
GROUP BY [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].[District Code],
[UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].Source, [UNION - Gas Revenue
and Other Customer Revenue].[District Name], [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other
Customer Revenue].[Report Date]
PIVOT [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].Category;
I know there is an ALL function but I cannot get the syntax to work.
TRANSFORM Sum([UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].[Current
Value]) AS [SumOfCurrent Value]
SELECT [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].[District Code],
[UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].Source, [UNION - Gas Revenue
and Other Customer Revenue].[District Name], [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other
Customer Revenue].[Report Date]
FROM [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue]
GROUP BY [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].[District Code],
[UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].Source, [UNION - Gas Revenue
and Other Customer Revenue].[District Name], [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other
Customer Revenue].[Report Date]
PIVOT [UNION - Gas Revenue and Other Customer Revenue].Category;