Union query with blanks


David McKnight

I would like to have a union query (or what ever else works) that does the

My orginal database has the margin of victory for various games. There is a
home and a vistor. I first run a query on this table averaging all the
margins of victory for all the teams when they are at home and then another
query for each team when they are away.

I would like to combine the home and away margins in a union for a say the
month of nov (or what ever) by using calc of something like ( [Team A avg
margin away]* [count of away] )+(Team A Home avg margin]*[count home])/(count
home) +(count away). But some teams never play a home game (or away) so the
union skips these teams. I would like to have the result of just the home
games for that team if that is all they played that month.
Any ideas?

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