Access 2003, Windows XP Pro.
SITUATION: Database has lots, which have sublots, which have items. Sublot
key is a barcode number. I have a query that joins the three tables, and
since a sublot can have multiple items, the sublot key can occur more than
once. I want to run a query against this big query that just groups and
summarizes some things, one of which is the number of sublots in a given lot.
Using a straight Count fails because of the multiple occurrences of the
sublot key value. Here's an attempt to show this pictorially:
A A123 A123-1
A A123 A123-2
A A123 A123-3
A A124 A124-1
A A124 A124-2
B B123 B123-1
In this case, my summarizing query gives me a count of 3 for sublot A123,
I want to see a 1. Any suggestions on how to get what I want? So far the
lightbulb over my head hasn't gone on.
SITUATION: Database has lots, which have sublots, which have items. Sublot
key is a barcode number. I have a query that joins the three tables, and
since a sublot can have multiple items, the sublot key can occur more than
once. I want to run a query against this big query that just groups and
summarizes some things, one of which is the number of sublots in a given lot.
Using a straight Count fails because of the multiple occurrences of the
sublot key value. Here's an attempt to show this pictorially:
A A123 A123-1
A A123 A123-2
A A123 A123-3
A A124 A124-1
A A124 A124-2
B B123 B123-1
In this case, my summarizing query gives me a count of 3 for sublot A123,
I want to see a 1. Any suggestions on how to get what I want? So far the
lightbulb over my head hasn't gone on.