Unique identification number



Sent this yesterday but did not find solution; Any help would be much

I want to have a unique identification number that will be called our
internal batch number. I want it to consist of 3 fixed letters, a number,
letter and auto number. The fixed letters will be 'BNS'. The number will
depend on the month and the letter on the year. For example:

1 = Jan
2 = Feb
3 = Mar
4 = Apr
5 = May

A = 2007
B = 2008
C = 2009
D = 2010

So if this started today then the batch number will be BNS3A1 then it will
carry on as BNS3A2, BNS3A3, BNS3A4 etc. Is this possible to do? I don’t mind
going in every month and changing the month and year, as long as the auto
number works.


This question has been asked and answered. If you do not understand the
response, say so in that thread, but it is extremely poor newsgroup
etiquette to ignore a response and post the question again.

Seth Schwarm


There are several pieces of info required here.

What object are you using when you want the batch number created? Query,

Is there some date stored along with the batch record where you could strip
the month and year from it OR are the date values obtained from the date when
the batch was run/completed?

Depending on what type of object you are using the solution will be either a
formula or some VBA code. Neither of them should be difficult.

Anyway - provide the details and let's see what we can do.

Seth Schwarm


The object i'm using is a Form and there is a Date field within the table
(Date()). So is it still possbile to incorporate an auto number with this?

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