Unique IDs for sub-project tasks as displayed in Master projects


Steve Scott

Under what circumstances might the Unique IDs for sub-project tasks as
displayed in Master projects change? I want to reliably refresh (via merge
on UID and UID data saved in a spare field) on a monthly basis a seperate
milestone plan from the data in lots of sub-projects.

Jim Aksel

The UID in a separate Project1.mpp file will never change. However, once
that project is inserted into a Master Project, it will have a UID defined by
some fixed offset within Master.mpp. So, the UID of the same task in the
stand alone Project1.mpp file and Master.mpp will be different. If you open
Project1.mpp as a stand alone, the UID is what you originally had (it does
not change in that file).

What we do here is use a spare text field like you suggest. However we add
one wrinkle. The Text1 of Project1.mpp contains a forumula similar to "XXX"+
We use the XXX to represent the file name, IPT, CAM --- whatever you like.

Additionally, you can use a spare text field to contain the UID from another
file. Here, we have a subcontractor on a program. So, we use the UID from
their file and put it in Text2 of our file. We then have a reference point
between the two files so we don't get things wrong when updating durations,
%Complete, Start Dates, etc.

If you want more detail on the formula let me know and I'll post it along
wit a long winded explanation.
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Steve Scott said:
Under what circumstances might the Unique IDs for sub-project tasks as
displayed in Master projects change? I want to reliably refresh (via merge
on UID and UID data saved in a spare field) on a monthly basis a seperate
milestone plan from the data in lots of sub-projects.

Unique IDs will be added or deleted of course any time a task is added
or deleted at either the master or subproject level. The unique ID
sequence will change (i.e. be different) if a new master is created for
the same subprojects.

I've never tried it, but if you are merging into the same existing
master, you shouldn't have an issue. Try it.

Project MVP

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