Unique Issue identifiers in EPM...


Ivor Davies

Each SharePoint website in EPM DOES HAVE unique issue number ID’s.

I have confirmed this by going back to all of my project sites in EPM and
looking at the issues. Each site has a number 1 issue (for those that I
created issues for) – so I was wrong, there are unique identifiers for each
issue in each project site in EPM.

The question that I have is how we can distinguish issues by number in EPM,
either by using a prefix or something for each issue.

Can someone let me know if this is possible, or would we have to customize
it via programming?

For example for EPM Project # 292 - Issue #4 would be 292_4, for EPM Project
# 176 - Issue #2 would be 176_2.



Kevin W Flanagan

Actually in the database it is done for you. Through a key field the issues
are linked. You could use a reporting tool or ASP to report the issues out
like that for you.

Hope this helps.


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