Unique table property - can I push it further?



1N7 tables have a property I seek: rows may be relocated or deleted, with
remaining rows behaving as a collapsing "stack". So far as I can see,
there's no equivalent mechanism for columns, and - unfortunately - the entire
row must be selected to enjoy the property. What I seek is
relocation/deletion of individual cells - independently of remaining row
elements - with identical stack-type behavior. Purpose: omnibus to-do list
segregated into headered columns ("change the cat litter" doesn't belong with
"cancel NASA contract", hence columns); as items are done & deleted I want to
kill them off & have the stack collapse upward, taking their place; plus the
facility to promote items up/downward and likewise have the stack flow about
the change. The only remaining property I seek is select/cut/paste the

1N7 can indeed do it - so long as there is but one column!

Anyone know of a solution, 1N7 or otherwise?

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