

Guy Lydig

I have a table with a list of parents who send their children to our camp
(Primary Key: Parent ID which is an AutoNumber). I have another table with a
list of all the children in camp and their bunk numbers (one field in the
children table is the parent's ID number). A one-to-many relationship exists
between them.

I want to print labels ONE FOR EACH PARENT based on certain bunk numbers.

In a query I combined fields for both tables and placed a parameter in the
Criteria row of the Bunk field: Between [Type first bunk number] And [Type
last bunk number]. This gives me the bunks I want but each child is there--so
if a parent has more than one child in camp, the parent is there that many

How do I get the query to return each parent's name only once? I tried using
Unique Records and Unique Values in the Property Sheet but it doesn't help.

Ideas, please?




Can't you have another query which is based on the current query you have
now. That way you could group by the parent name so that you would only have
one record per parent. You could also have a count parent name column to show
how many children they have at camp.

John Spencer

Use Unique Values and uncheck show for the information you don't need to
show. If all you want is the parent's name then only show the parent's

So the first question is do you need to show any information on the children
(or the bunk numbers) on the label. If not, then the solution is simple.
If you need to show information from the children table, the solution
becomes more complex.

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