UniqueID Table?




in Project 2007 there are UniqueIDs to identify assignments between
ressources and tasks. I found out, that any UniqueID has a 7digit number.
But how can I find out this number? Ist there a table where all UniqueIDs
are stored in? And that I can read out?

Thanks for your answers!


Projects, tasks, resources, and assignments all have their own unique IDs.
The IDs are stored in the records themselves. A record with a specific
unique id can be addressed. ActiveProject.tasks.UniqueID(unique id number x)
either returns the Task object with unique ID x or raises an error if there
is no such task. You can list the IDs by walking throgh collections:

For each t in active project.tasks
debug.print "ID: " & t.id & " Unique:" & t.UniqueID
next t

Bill B

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