Units and how they work


Anthony Moore

Could some one please clarify units. If you are writing a scope or
doing work and have allocated 1 full day then do you allocate the
assigned resource as 100%.

And if you have two people working on the task does mean you allocate
50% each resource for that one full day.

And finally if you are to work on a task but only spend 2 hours out of
the full day allocated how do you put that down in units.


Anthony Moore

Steve House

Units and allocation percentage are simply two different ways of
specifying the same thing. If a person's work calendar says they work
an 8 hour day and over the course of a 1 day long task you expect them
to put in 8 hours of work on it, they're assigned 100% or 1 unit. OTOH,
if you expect them to start at 8am, finish at 5pm but they're dividing
their time between this task and something else and so will produce the
same output in that 8 hour day that they would have done in 4 hours of
work if they had given it their full attention, they've worked at 50%.
As for two people assigned to a one day task, you have to ask yourself
if that task is an 8 man-hour task or a 16 man-hour task. If it's 2
people doing a total of 8 man-hours work put together over the course of
the day, they're assigned 50% each. But if it's two people doing a
total of 16 man-hours work over the course of the day, they're each
assigned at 100%.

We have to assemble 80 widgets and Joe can do 10 an hour. If at the end
of the day he's done all 80, he worked at 100%. But if he's been
chatting with his buddy over the footy scores while working and at the
end of the day he's only done 40, he's worked at 50% and it will take
him another day to finish the required 80 widgets. Duration becomes 2
days instead of 1.

Anthony Moore

Steve House said:
Units and allocation percentage are simply two different ways of
specifying the same thing. If a person's work calendar says they work
an 8 hour day and over the course of a 1 day long task you expect them
to put in 8 hours of work on it, they're assigned 100% or 1 unit. OTOH,
if you expect them to start at 8am, finish at 5pm but they're dividing
their time between this task and something else and so will produce the
same output in that 8 hour day that they would have done in 4 hours of
work if they had given it their full attention, they've worked at 50%.
As for two people assigned to a one day task, you have to ask yourself
if that task is an 8 man-hour task or a 16 man-hour task. If it's 2
people doing a total of 8 man-hours work put together over the course of
the day, they're assigned 50% each. But if it's two people doing a
total of 16 man-hours work over the course of the day, they're each
assigned at 100%.

We have to assemble 80 widgets and Joe can do 10 an hour. If at the end
of the day he's done all 80, he worked at 100%. But if he's been
chatting with his buddy over the footy scores while working and at the
end of the day he's only done 40, he's worked at 50% and it will take
him another day to finish the required 80 widgets. Duration becomes 2
days instead of 1.

Thanks Steve for you help.



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