"Unknown Error.."



One section of my One Note notebook will not open. I get: "An unknown error
occurred while opening this section." I followed the directions for
auto-recovery, then the "forcerepair" option when the first method was
unsuccessful. Still no relief. Before attempting any of this I did a manual
backup. Having backups set to two, this seems to have erased any usable copy
I may have had. Suggestions, please. This section contains material for my
master's thesis...

Benoit Barabe \(MS\)

Hi John,

You can try another level of file recovery that might help. To my knowledge
this is not a documented operation, so this might or might not work for you.
It wasn't as tested as our normal file recovery mode.

You should make sure you have a copy of your file, even if corrupted, in a
safe place before doing this.

Similarly to the /forcerepair option, execute the same command line you did,
but use /forcerepairfull this time, like in:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Onenote.exe" /forcerepairfull
"C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Notebook\Quick

Again, this is not the normal file recovery mode. If it works, the recovered
content might not be as well structured as it was.

Let me know how this goes.

Benoit Barabe, OneNote Development.

[This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no


The operation you suggested did not work either. But I have more
(discouraging) information. Yesterday, while editing this section, Symantec
Antivirus Corporate (v8.1) kept indicating a possible virus infection of the
file (Articles.one) by “Bloodhound.Exploit.6I.†Symantec may have glitched
my files. The Symantec history log indicates “no action taken,†but both the
original file and the backup are now 0 bytes. I had not noticed the file
size until today. A search of my hard drive shows only two files by this
name, my original and a backup – both 0 bytes.

Benoit Barabe (MS) said:
Hi John,

You can try another level of file recovery that might help. To my knowledge
this is not a documented operation, so this might or might not work for you.
It wasn't as tested as our normal file recovery mode.

You should make sure you have a copy of your file, even if corrupted, in a
safe place before doing this.

Similarly to the /forcerepair option, execute the same command line you did,
but use /forcerepairfull this time, like in:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Onenote.exe" /forcerepairfull
"C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Notebook\Quick

Again, this is not the normal file recovery mode. If it works, the recovered
content might not be as well structured as it was.

Let me know how this goes.

Benoit Barabe, OneNote Development.

[This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

JohnK said:
One section of my One Note notebook will not open. I get: "An unknown
occurred while opening this section." I followed the directions for
auto-recovery, then the "forcerepair" option when the first method was
unsuccessful. Still no relief. Before attempting any of this I did a
backup. Having backups set to two, this seems to have erased any usable
I may have had. Suggestions, please. This section contains material for my
master's thesis...

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