Query B gets its results from Query A and populates a form. This works fine.
Now I need to alter the WHERE clause in Query A, but when I do it results in
an error that doesn't make any sense to me.
First, the queries:
Query A
SELECT CUSIP.issuer_num, CUSIP.issue_num, CUSIP.issue_chk, CUSIP.issue_d1,
CUSIP.issue_d2, CUSIP.issue_a1, CUSIP.issue_a2, CUSIP.issue_a3,
CUSIP.issue_a4, CUSIP.issue_sta, CUSIP.dated_date, CUSIP.mat_date,
CUSIP.part_mat, CUSIP.rate, CUSIP.issue_del, CUSIP.issue_trn, CUSIP.update1,
CUSIP.update2, CUSIP.offer_amt, CUSIP.callable, CUSIP.underwrit, CUSIP.cusip,
CUSIP.cusip8, CUSIP.maturity, CUSIP.issuer_st, CUSIP.issuer_n1,
CUSIP.nxt_call, CUSIP.dated, CUSIP.frst_cpn, CUSIP.pymt_frq, CUSIP.coupon,
CUSIP.cpn_type, CUSIP.yr_update, ([maturity]-[dated])/365.25 AS t_term,
IIf([dated] Is Null,"",IIf([t_term]<0.97,Round([t_term]*365.25/30.5,0) & "
MO",Round([t_term],1) & " YR")) AS term, Round(([maturity]-[dated])/365.25,1)
AS t2_term, IIf([dated] Is
Null,"",IIf([t_term]<0.97,Val(Round([t_term]*365.25/30.5,0)),Val(Round([t_term],1)*100))) AS term_sort, Date()-CDate([update1]) AS days_sell
WHERE (((CUSIP.callable)="N") AND ((CUSIP.dated)>=Now()) AND
((CUSIP.cpn_type)="Fixed Rate"))
ORDER BY CUSIP.maturity;
Query B
SELECT Val([term_sort]) AS srt, [CUSIP BulletB].term, [CUSIP BulletB].rate,
Count([CUSIP BulletB].term) AS CountOfterm, [rate]/100 AS rate2
GROUP BY Val([term_sort]), [CUSIP BulletB].term, [CUSIP BulletB].rate,
ORDER BY Val([term_sort]), [CUSIP BulletB].rate DESC;
I need to alter the 'where' clause in Query A to remove the criteria on the
'dated' field. However, if I make ANY changes to it I end up with a "Data
type mismatch in criteria expression" error. Even if all I do is change the >
sign to a < sign, like so:
WHERE (((CUSIP.callable)="N") AND ((CUSIP.dated) >=Now()) AND
((CUSIP.cpn_type)="Fixed Rate"))
WHERE (((CUSIP.callable)="N") AND ((CUSIP.dated) <=Now()) AND
((CUSIP.cpn_type)="Fixed Rate"))
Yup; simply changing the sign results in "Data type mistmatch".
This makes zero sense to me and clearly Access is confused about something.
How can changing the sign possibly change the perceived data type?
I'm open to any suggestions here. I've already wasted like an hour trying to
figure this out.
Now I need to alter the WHERE clause in Query A, but when I do it results in
an error that doesn't make any sense to me.
First, the queries:
Query A
SELECT CUSIP.issuer_num, CUSIP.issue_num, CUSIP.issue_chk, CUSIP.issue_d1,
CUSIP.issue_d2, CUSIP.issue_a1, CUSIP.issue_a2, CUSIP.issue_a3,
CUSIP.issue_a4, CUSIP.issue_sta, CUSIP.dated_date, CUSIP.mat_date,
CUSIP.part_mat, CUSIP.rate, CUSIP.issue_del, CUSIP.issue_trn, CUSIP.update1,
CUSIP.update2, CUSIP.offer_amt, CUSIP.callable, CUSIP.underwrit, CUSIP.cusip,
CUSIP.cusip8, CUSIP.maturity, CUSIP.issuer_st, CUSIP.issuer_n1,
CUSIP.nxt_call, CUSIP.dated, CUSIP.frst_cpn, CUSIP.pymt_frq, CUSIP.coupon,
CUSIP.cpn_type, CUSIP.yr_update, ([maturity]-[dated])/365.25 AS t_term,
IIf([dated] Is Null,"",IIf([t_term]<0.97,Round([t_term]*365.25/30.5,0) & "
MO",Round([t_term],1) & " YR")) AS term, Round(([maturity]-[dated])/365.25,1)
AS t2_term, IIf([dated] Is
Null,"",IIf([t_term]<0.97,Val(Round([t_term]*365.25/30.5,0)),Val(Round([t_term],1)*100))) AS term_sort, Date()-CDate([update1]) AS days_sell
WHERE (((CUSIP.callable)="N") AND ((CUSIP.dated)>=Now()) AND
((CUSIP.cpn_type)="Fixed Rate"))
ORDER BY CUSIP.maturity;
Query B
SELECT Val([term_sort]) AS srt, [CUSIP BulletB].term, [CUSIP BulletB].rate,
Count([CUSIP BulletB].term) AS CountOfterm, [rate]/100 AS rate2
GROUP BY Val([term_sort]), [CUSIP BulletB].term, [CUSIP BulletB].rate,
ORDER BY Val([term_sort]), [CUSIP BulletB].rate DESC;
I need to alter the 'where' clause in Query A to remove the criteria on the
'dated' field. However, if I make ANY changes to it I end up with a "Data
type mismatch in criteria expression" error. Even if all I do is change the >
sign to a < sign, like so:
WHERE (((CUSIP.callable)="N") AND ((CUSIP.dated) >=Now()) AND
((CUSIP.cpn_type)="Fixed Rate"))
WHERE (((CUSIP.callable)="N") AND ((CUSIP.dated) <=Now()) AND
((CUSIP.cpn_type)="Fixed Rate"))
Yup; simply changing the sign results in "Data type mistmatch".
This makes zero sense to me and clearly Access is confused about something.
How can changing the sign possibly change the perceived data type?
I'm open to any suggestions here. I've already wasted like an hour trying to
figure this out.