unlock range of cells



Could someone help me please, I have the following 2 macros, the first
unlocks the worksheet and the second is written to unlock a range of cells.
I am not getting any errors, the problem is the second macro simply does not
unlock the range of cells I need to.

I wondered if the problem was with the individual cell protection? Should
they be set to locked or unlocked?

Sub UnprotectWorksheet()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 4/03/2007 by Tanya'
End Sub

Sub UnlockCells()
'Unlockcell Macro
'Created by Tanya
Let index2 = 1
'Goto Home Cell "A1"
'Find beginning of mechanics Names
Do While ActiveCell <> "Serial Number"
Let index2 = index2 + 1
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(index2, 1), Cells(index2, 1)).Select
'Find next blank line
Let index3 = index2 + 1
Do While ActiveCell <> ""
Let index3 = index3 + 1
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(index3, 1), Cells(index3, 1)).Select
'Select Range for unprotect
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(index2 + 1, 1), Cells(index3, 8)).Select
Selection.Locked = False
'Return home
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

make sure all cells are protected before running your code.

Then find out which cells get unprotected after you run the code.

Look at the logic of your code and figure out why these cells get

Or, more directly, step through the code and see what the values of the
variables are as it progresses.


Tom I have run through this a dozen times, checking first that the sheet is
protected. Working through the code, the correct range is selected,
therefore I cannot understand why "Selection.Locked=False" does not unlock
the desired cells, and the whole worksheet is protected.


Thank you Tom

After a long repetitive streak, I managed to find out where I was going
wrong. All is working fine now.

Thanks again

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