unlocking subdocuments


Rick Trutna

I inherited a master document containing approx. a dozen subdocuments.
Occasionally, when I expand all the subdocuments in outline view, some of the
subdocuments are locked and when I attempt to unlock I get the helpful?
message "..operation cannot be completed because the subdocument has a
different type of protection from the master document. Make the protection
the same for the master document and the subdocuments".

I've tried recreating the master document, but inevitably end up with the
same situation, not being able to edit some of the subdocuments from the
expanded outline view. (Can edit with Ctrl-clicking hyperlink.) The master
document has an attached template file different than Normal.dot where I
wanted to place all master and subdocument formatting styles.

Anyway, not aware of any changes I made to change the protection of
subdocuments. Are there are option settings that I can set to fix this
problem. I am at wits end because I don't know how "make" the protection the
same for master and subdocument, as I didn't directly change anything in the
first place.



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UmljayBUcnV0bmE=?=,
I've tried recreating the master document, but inevitably end up with the
same situation, not being able to edit some of the subdocuments from the
expanded outline view.
You should NEVER try to edit the sub-documents through the Master Doc. The
Master Document feature was originally designed to have an easier way to
link many documents together as one for the purpose of
- continuous page numbering
- common TOC and index
- print out

Most likely, the Master doc and/or the sub-documents are corrupting.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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