Unmatched files - Nothing Solves it - even new local web and full republish,



I have tried everytning. Frontpage is keeping tracl because it
actually only publishes my changes - so the database is correct there.
But why is that "correct" bookeeping not reflected in the Publish
panes? I have blue arrows all over the place, and tons of unmatched

Even deleting the from the target web and republishing does not fix
the problem.

Help/Detect and Repair - no help either.

Andrew Murray

I've also noticed on occasion my local web file list in the Publish window
says "Unmatched" on some files that I know I have published.

I've found that if you click in the local web's file list in the "publish"
window and press F5 (refresh) that may update the status of the file to
"unchanged" - it works for me anyway.

Hope it may sort out your problem. It may be a glitch in Frontpage....


Refresh sets the bad files back to unchanged but only until you publish again
and then they go back to unmatched.

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