Unnumbered Captions on Pictures in Word 2007



How can I add a captions to pictures in a Word 2007 document without having
them numbered in any way?


If I try that in the References>Insert Caption dialogue, Word 2007 won't let
me delete the numbering, nor does it give me a choice for no numbering. Do I
have to do this "ordinary text" outside this dialogue? If so, how keep it
with the picture?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's nothing magical about captions that makes them stay with a picture.
If your picture is In Line With Text and the caption is below it, you can
format the picture as "Keep with next." Or you can put both together in a
table cell, text box, or frame. The only thing you accomplish by using a
Caption is the numbering because the Table of Figures is by default built on
{ SEQ Figure } fields. But you can apply the Caption style to any paragraph
and build the Table of Figures on that style (or any other style used
exclusively for figures).


Thanks much, Suzanne! I'll work with that!

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
There's nothing magical about captions that makes them stay with a picture.
If your picture is In Line With Text and the caption is below it, you can
format the picture as "Keep with next." Or you can put both together in a
table cell, text box, or frame. The only thing you accomplish by using a
Caption is the numbering because the Table of Figures is by default built on
{ SEQ Figure } fields. But you can apply the Caption style to any paragraph
and build the Table of Figures on that style (or any other style used
exclusively for figures).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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