Unpacking clients file I can not make changes



I unpacked a clients file and am unable to make necessary changes to print
spot color from their setup as CMYK. Is there a way to open file up so I can
do this?

Mac Townsend

uhhhhh, you ARE using the latest version of Publisher aren't you?

You don't say so. But you can't open Pub files in anything but Publisher
and newer Pub files cannot be opened in older versions of Publisher.


Thanks Mac...You are correct I am using the 2003 version. The client is using
2000 and it opens on the 2003 but does not able me to make changes. It acts
like a "read only" version. when I went to a older PC using 2000 it open and
allowed changes. Newer is not always better huh? Is there a work around that
you know of?

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