Benedikt Fridbjornsson
Hi everyone
I want to send summary of unpaid invoices to my customers. I have created
Mail Merge document in Word 2003 that is connected to Access Query. My
problem is that when I merge to new document I get every customer but I only
want those who have unpaid invoices. I have two queries one with my
customers and another with my unpaid invoices. This is what I am trying to
My Queries are
Customers and Unpaid Invoices
Dear {MERGEFIELD "CustomerNo"}
{DATABASE \d "C:\\Data\\test.mdb" \c "DSN=MS Access 2000
Database;DBQ=C:\\Data\\test.mdb; DriverId=25;FIL=MS
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s "Select DocumentNr AS Invoice,
DueDate, Unpaid from [Unpaid Invoices] INNER JOIN Customers ON
Customers.CustomerNo = [Unpaid Invoices.CustomerNo WHERE
Customers.CustomerNo = '{MERGEFIELD "CustomerNo"}' " \l "4" \b "447" \h}
Benedikt Fridbjornsson
Computer department
SIF Iceland
I want to send summary of unpaid invoices to my customers. I have created
Mail Merge document in Word 2003 that is connected to Access Query. My
problem is that when I merge to new document I get every customer but I only
want those who have unpaid invoices. I have two queries one with my
customers and another with my unpaid invoices. This is what I am trying to
My Queries are
Customers and Unpaid Invoices
Dear {MERGEFIELD "CustomerNo"}
{DATABASE \d "C:\\Data\\test.mdb" \c "DSN=MS Access 2000
Database;DBQ=C:\\Data\\test.mdb; DriverId=25;FIL=MS
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s "Select DocumentNr AS Invoice,
DueDate, Unpaid from [Unpaid Invoices] INNER JOIN Customers ON
Customers.CustomerNo = [Unpaid Invoices.CustomerNo WHERE
Customers.CustomerNo = '{MERGEFIELD "CustomerNo"}' " \l "4" \b "447" \h}
Benedikt Fridbjornsson
Computer department
SIF Iceland