Beginning table:
IndustryName Rating 3 Months 6 Months Curve Slope
Basic Materials AAA 0.10% 0.10% Postive
Basic Materials AA 0.16% 0.16% Postive
Basic Materials A 0.20% 0.20% Postive
Basic Materials BBB 0.63% 0.63% Postive
Desired Result:
IndustryName Rating Tenor Spread Curve Slope
Basic Materials AAA 3 Months 0.10% Postive
Basic Materials AA 3 Months 0.16% Postive
Basic Materials A 3 Months 0.20% Postive
Basic Materials BBB 3 Months 0.63% Postive
Basic Materials AAA 6 Months 0.10% Postive
Basic Materials AA 6 Months 0.16% Postive
Basic Materials A 6 Months 0.20% Postive
Basic Materials BBB 6 Months 0.63% Postive
Current Code:
SELECT IndustryName as Industry,"3 Months" as Tenor, 3 Months as
Spread FROM [Sector Curves - w/ Slope and 3 Month]
SELECT IndustryName as Industry,"6 Months" as Tenor, 6 Months as
Spread FROM [Sector Curves - w/ Slope and 3 Month]
getting an error message..."Syntax error (missing operator) in query
exporess '3 Months' "
I'm assuming I'm missing something easy here, any help is greatly
IndustryName Rating 3 Months 6 Months Curve Slope
Basic Materials AAA 0.10% 0.10% Postive
Basic Materials AA 0.16% 0.16% Postive
Basic Materials A 0.20% 0.20% Postive
Basic Materials BBB 0.63% 0.63% Postive
Desired Result:
IndustryName Rating Tenor Spread Curve Slope
Basic Materials AAA 3 Months 0.10% Postive
Basic Materials AA 3 Months 0.16% Postive
Basic Materials A 3 Months 0.20% Postive
Basic Materials BBB 3 Months 0.63% Postive
Basic Materials AAA 6 Months 0.10% Postive
Basic Materials AA 6 Months 0.16% Postive
Basic Materials A 6 Months 0.20% Postive
Basic Materials BBB 6 Months 0.63% Postive
Current Code:
SELECT IndustryName as Industry,"3 Months" as Tenor, 3 Months as
Spread FROM [Sector Curves - w/ Slope and 3 Month]
SELECT IndustryName as Industry,"6 Months" as Tenor, 6 Months as
Spread FROM [Sector Curves - w/ Slope and 3 Month]
getting an error message..."Syntax error (missing operator) in query
exporess '3 Months' "
I'm assuming I'm missing something easy here, any help is greatly