Unprotect a Word Document



I have a Word 2000 document that was created by someone else, but I password
protected it so users can only fill in the blanks. I am attempting to make
updates but the 'unprotect' option is greyed out as is the control toolbox.
How do I get into this document?


Stefan Blom

It seems as if your document is in Design mode. If necessary, display the
Control Toolbox toolbar, for example by right-clicking any visible toolbar
and then checking "Control Toolbox." Then click to Exit Design Mode. You
should now be able to unprotect and edit the document.

Note, however, that if the document contains ActiveX controls (which can be
added from the Control Toolbox toolbar), macro security settings is likely
to force Design mode again. You may want to redesign the form, avoiding
ActiveX controls altogether. Instead, make sure to use only form fields.


I had taken them out of design mode initially to protect them, now the
Control Toolbox toolbar is greyed out. How can I determine if there are
ActiveX controls?

Stefan Blom

You can bypass the forms protection by creating a blank document and then
inserting the existing file into that blank document. See if that makes a

ActiveX controls (at least the ones inserted via the Control Toolbox
toolbar) have View Code and Format Control commands on their context
(right-click) menus, while form fields (inserted via the Forms toolbar) do


I tried your suggestion but I can't even copy the document. Everything
appears to be greyed out and unaccessible.

Stefan Blom

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was referring to the Insert File
feature: After you have created a new blank document, click File on the
Insert menu, locate the existing forms document, select it and click the
Insert button.


Outstanding! That worked, but can you help me to understand why everything is
greyed out; to include the unprotect document option?

Stefan Blom

Usually turning off Design mode reactivates options such as Unprotect. And
to prevent Word from opening the document in Design mode, you should remove
the ActiveX
controls. Are you saying that one or both of these suggestions don't work?

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