unprotect file: response to Truman's no help


Laura Keith

I have password protected a file, and now that the
untrustworthy employee is gone, need to unprotect it. When
I click on 'Tools', then 'Protection', it doesn't offer
the choice of 'unprotect...' as promised in HELP. The
response to Truman's issue (posted 7/25 7:45 pm) was too
complicated - I'm not an IT person.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

Debra Dalgleish

If you protected the file, you can save it again, without a password:

1. Open the file, entering the password when prompted.
2. Choose File>Save As
3. From the Tools menu, choose General Options.
4. Delete the entry in the 'Password to open' box
5. Click OK, click Save
6. Click Yes, to replace the existing file.



No problem!

I couldn't determine from your post whether you were referring to the
Read Only password or the password required to unprotect a Workbook or

If you are able to open the file, you can copy and paste
password-protected sheets which preserves the contents without
retaining the password. ;0)

If you wish to find or remove the password, there are plenty of simple
utilities available online that can do this instantly.

I quote from a recent post which I hope may prove helpful to you...

Please do not attempt to access a file unless you are authorised to do

--- Original Message ---
There are a number of very good password cracking & recovery programs
available, many of which can easily be downloaded from the internet.
Have you tried any of the following web sites?

Download free utilities to recover passwords in Word, Excel, WordPerfect, etc.
Send an Excel, Word, MS Access, WordPerfect, or Zip file to be unlocked.

Russian password crackers - excellent program based on encryption.

Some of the major commercial vendors.

A premier cracking information website.

Etc... I apologise to all those excellent websites I've missed.

Try a www search - there are many good sources of help with cracking
Word passwords, and indeed almost any password!
Good luck!

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