Unread mail discrepancy in Windows XP Welcome Screen



On the Windows XP Welcome screen, the unread mail counts are consistently wrong. I tried editing the registry to synchronize the unread mail counts but I was unable to get the Welcome screen count to stay synchronized with the actual count in Outlook. I deleted the registry entry

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1606980848-1957994488-1060284298-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail\[email protected]]
"Application"="%SystemDrive%\\PROGRA~1\\MICROS~2\\OFFICE11\\OUTLOOK.EXE/profile myprofile

several times and Outlook 2003 appears to recreate it. It is annoying to see the welcome screen indicating unread messages only to logon and launch Outlook to discover there is no new mail.

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