Peter, thanks for your research! I got a little persistent and discovered
what you presented here. I first found a document on how to read, or how
generate the barcode and thats when I found as you indicate that the merge
generates a ZIP+4 barcode. Thats actually untrue in that a true ZIP+4 has
bars. The 'envelope' or single label generation creates the 62 bar
which includes as the last two digits the last two digits of the street
address! The merge version generates a 62 bar version BUT generates a
for the 'last two digits' of the street address. Which is why they
be useful for bulk mail. I personally believe you can speed delivery by
including the barcode in your mailing. I always use the barcode
when sending any business correspondence. I'm sorry Word has dropped it
the mail-merge of 2007! I probably don't do that much for it to affect me
but others are being deprived of a partial benefit!