Scott Metzger
VC++ .Net 2003 compiler
using visiwrap.h
MFC Dialog Application
Added Include and Source directory for the Vision SDK to my Include path
for my project
This is the only code I have added
#include "visiwrap.h"
void COldMFCVisioReadDlg::OnOK()
CVisioApplication app;
I get the following error at link time:
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _vaoGetObject
Any ideas?
Scott Metzger
using visiwrap.h
MFC Dialog Application
Added Include and Source directory for the Vision SDK to my Include path
for my project
This is the only code I have added
#include "visiwrap.h"
void COldMFCVisioReadDlg::OnOK()
CVisioApplication app;
I get the following error at link time:
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _vaoGetObject
Any ideas?
Scott Metzger