Here's an oddity that happened with my Word 97, on Windows 98.
Last night I turned off my computer in the usual way.
This morning I turned it on, and Word already had four unsaved documents
open. One of them said "Document 1 Recovered." The others just said
Document 2, Document 3, Document 4. Thes were documents with text in
them, but which had not been saved.
Now I suppose if I shut down Word incorrectly (which I don't think I
did), that the one called "Document 1 recovered." was recovered from the
timed backup file. But what about 2, 3, and 4? They didn't say
"recovered." They had simply survived intact a a complete shut down of
the computer and a turning on of the computer eight hours later. Which
seems impossible.
Any explanations?
Last night I turned off my computer in the usual way.
This morning I turned it on, and Word already had four unsaved documents
open. One of them said "Document 1 Recovered." The others just said
Document 2, Document 3, Document 4. Thes were documents with text in
them, but which had not been saved.
Now I suppose if I shut down Word incorrectly (which I don't think I
did), that the one called "Document 1 recovered." was recovered from the
timed backup file. But what about 2, 3, and 4? They didn't say
"recovered." They had simply survived intact a a complete shut down of
the computer and a turning on of the computer eight hours later. Which
seems impossible.
Any explanations?