Unsplitting a database?



Hello, I have a split database with an Access fe and be.
I would like to "unsplit" the database so that the tables
reside in one .mdb file.

How do I do this??

Thank you,

Douglas J. Steele

Katrina's told you how to do it. I just wanted to ask "Why?". In my opinion,
you're always better off with a split design, even if you're the only user.


Why don't you just import the tables from the be into the
fe, delete the links to the be, and resave the fe as it's
own database?

(To do this, open the fe, go to the database window.
Where you would normally click to view the tables, right-
click. you will get an option that says import. Find
your be and then select all tables.)


Well, thank you for asking because that brings up a good
question. The database has been split for some time and
is being used successfully by a group of users. However,
I need to create a new table and add new functionality to
the database. I was having problems adding the new table
to the backend. I thought I had to "unsplit" and then do
a "resplit"! Am I wrong?

I guess now my question is: How do you make table changes
and add new tables to an existing split database?

Thanks again for making me rethink my question!


Greg Kraushaar

Make all your changes to the back end.
Modifications to existing tables will show up automagically.
To add a new table, opent the databse window (F11 if its enabled)
rightClick & choose Link tables . Follow the bouncing ball.

Its a little harder, but quite do-able if you need to do it
programmatically. Create a new tableDef, & set its connection property
appropriately. Its been a long time since I've done this, so I'm hazy
on the detail, but it is quite feasible to check if the new table
exists in the back end on start up. If it doesn't, create it, then
link to it all in code.You can likewise make all your design mods the
same way. This will save you going round doing each machine
individually. It is a lot of work however, and I would only do it if
it was difficult to visit each machine. It does have the advantage
that all the changes are guaranteed to be identical


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