UNSTABLE DOCUMENT – Diagram moving Shapes and Function Rows



Hello All:

We have a couple of functional diagrams – “swim lane†diagrams with a lot of
shapes on a legal size sheet. Each of them has periodically, at
unpredictable intervals, become unstable. By unstable I mean we perform one
of the following actions, and the document spontaneously repositions shapes
and rows on the page:

 File>Save
 File>Print
 Move file to a new directory
 Create PDF

This might happen multiple times per day or once per day. Then not happen
at all for awhile. It has occurred on more than one computer and file
directory. No other programs or files seem to be affected.

Does anyone else have experience with this? Further, is there a solution,
such as a setting I have missed or …?

BTW, while I can reposition the rows without too much work, sometimes links
between shapes and arrows are broken, and/or shapes end up in the wrong “swim



Mark Nelson [MS]

We have received reports about this but have had difficulty nailing the
problem down. If you have a document that readily reproduces the problem, I
would like to get a copy if you are willing. My e-mail is marknel "at"
microsoft (dot) com.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that has this problem.
I thought it was user error on my part. I have looked everywhere for
the answer. I'll be sending a file to Mark as well.


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