Unsubmitted Status Reports


Rick North


We have status reports set up so that resources need to send updates every
day. Is there a way for the manager who requested the reports to see who has
not submitted a report?



Hi Rick,

I've solved this problem like the following for my company:
In PWA Resources tab, the manager selects "View Resource Assigments" then
select all its resources. Then click on Apply.
The view must be arranged like the following to be more interesting:
- select Timesheet and Current Assigments
- In View Options, unselect Summary tasks and Show scheduled work. Select
"Administrative Tasks. In Show, Select Outline Level 1
Then normally, you can see one line per resource and the Actuals that are
entered. If you see "0h", the actuals have not been entered. If you don't see
"0h" the number indicated is the cumulative number of hours entered for the
day considered. So, you can check also easily that each resources as entered
8 hours per day.
What is funny is that you can save this "configuration" by clicking on "Save
Link..." and the next time the manager have direct access to this "view" by
selecting the right Links in "Saved Links" on the left of t he screen.
Hope this help you,

Rick North

Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for the suggestion. I did try it and I'm not sure it is what I'm
looking for. If you send a status report request, you can view all the
reponses for a specific user but the view is very clumsy and not easy to
monitor over larger periods of time.



Hi Rick,

I agree. You can also Export the Grid to Excel to better monitor over larger
periods of time.
My 2 cents...

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