Unusual File Size Increace



I have a problem with an Excel file which is 1.5MB in size
even though there is only one sheet with 20 lines of data.

Have tried cutting and pasting data into a new file,
deleting all blank data, as well as all rows oustside data
area, none of which made any difference to file size.

In fact deleting all data in the spreedsheet still does
not rduce the size, so I now have a spreedsheet without
any data visable and the size is still 1.5MB.

I am using Ver 2002.

Mark Henri

Selecting a row or column and applying cell formatting all the way to the
last row is the usual cause of bloated spreadsheets. If you suspect this
is problem--

1. Beginning at the row after the last row of data, click on the row number
and drag down to the last row. It'll take a minute to get there.
2. Right click in the selected area and choose Delete

This will remove all cell formatting and hopefully reduce the size of your

Gord Dibben


SHIFT + END + DownArrow takes a blink.

Why scroll when you can use shirtcut keys?

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

David McRitchie

Pehaps if you use the fill handle to copy individual cell formats down
but if your format the entire column it should be fine, a single format.
In fact your solution of formatting partially down a column is doing individual
formatting instead of for a group.

In fact if you color the entire column at one time, there will be NO
change in file size but if you color the top cell and use the pattern
tool and move the curser down increasing the number of cells
being formatting as you go down you will greatly increase the filesize.

This has always been true. Format what you need all at the same
time. Possible this would have to be verified in Excel XP, because
Excel XP does consider a format change to be a calculation event,
but I would be surprised if Excel XP were different..

Mark Henri

SHIFT + END + DownArrow takes a blink.
Why scroll when you can use shirtcut keys?

I like to make 'em work for it. Also, beginners often get weirded out with
the shortcut keystrokes.

Mark Henri

I've had luck in the past with the delete attempt reducing the size of the
book. However, let's go at it from a different approach--

1. Create a new blank workbook
2. Copy and Paste only those cells which have information into into the new

Sometimes, this was the only way to lose spreadsheet corruption occurring
in the lower cells. But it doesn't always work if the problem is in the
cells that they copy.


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