Kevin Chen
I am trying to desgin a very /very/ basic macro to create a purchase order
form for specific suppliers. To do this I need to have a macro that checks a
value from the Purchase order form as a condition before adding it to a text
box on the purchase order form.
What I want is this
Forms![PurchaseOrder]![SupplierID]=DLookUp("[OrderItemSupID_1]","OrderInformation","[OrderID] = Forms![PurchaseOrder]![OrderID]")
After I type, paste, or build that expression, I get thi
[Forms]![PurchaseOrder]![SupplierID]=DLookUp("[OrderItemSupID_1]","OrderInformation","[OrderID] = Forms![PurchaseOrder]![OrderID]")
I have had this problem repeatedly and I can't get MS tech support to help
without it costing me $99+
Can anyone help? This project is due soon and I don't have a lot of time to
learn more advanced programming (VBASIC)
form for specific suppliers. To do this I need to have a macro that checks a
value from the Purchase order form as a condition before adding it to a text
box on the purchase order form.
What I want is this
Forms![PurchaseOrder]![SupplierID]=DLookUp("[OrderItemSupID_1]","OrderInformation","[OrderID] = Forms![PurchaseOrder]![OrderID]")
After I type, paste, or build that expression, I get thi
[Forms]![PurchaseOrder]![SupplierID]=DLookUp("[OrderItemSupID_1]","OrderInformation","[OrderID] = Forms![PurchaseOrder]![OrderID]")
I have had this problem repeatedly and I can't get MS tech support to help
without it costing me $99+
Can anyone help? This project is due soon and I don't have a lot of time to
learn more advanced programming (VBASIC)