unwanted buttons being added to my tool bar


Mike Badley

I work with documents that have photos pasted in tables. Somehow, one of my graphics programs that came with a scanner (Easy Photo) has been adding a button to my main toolbar (normal.dot) to launch the Easy Photo app everytime I paste in a photo in a document. Pretty soon, my toolbar has a dozen EZP buttons on it and I have to 'reset' the tool bar to original factory settings. Is there some way I can stop Easy Photo from adding itself to my main tool bar?

Charles Kenyon

First, set your save options to prompt you to save changes to the normal
Tools => Options => Save

If that had been checked you probably would have asked why you were being
prompted about this all the time and I would have answered:

The message "Changes have been made that affect the global template -
normal. Do you wish to save those changes?" is an important warning. It
suppplements your virus detector and handles other potential problems. Its
display means that changes have been made, whether you intended to make
changes or not. You can also get it when your template has been altered by a
poorly written Add-In program or by a virus.

The reason for the message being shown repeatedly is almost always a poorly
written Add-In. The Norton AV Office Plug-In seems to be the most frequent
offender recently, but that can change as some other poorly written program
comes on the market.

Other offenders include the MS Works Suite Add-In, EZ-Photo, Scansoft, and
Adobe Acrobat. These all install Add-Ins that mess with your normal.dot when
they shouldn't do so and don't need to do so. Some of these are .dot files,
others are installed. See <URL:
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Customization/CheckIfAddinsInstalled.htm> for
instructions on seeing what Add-Ins you have. (Having Add-Ins is not a bad
thing. I run Word with 15 Add-Ins, most of which I wrote myself.)

Start with the Add-Ins I've noted. If you have any of them, decide whether
they are worth the annoyance they are causing you. Probably they are not.
Disable any that are not worth the candle. Restart Word and see if your
problem is gone.

Start by moving the EZ-Photo.dot file out of your Word Startup folder, with
Word closed. Restart Word and see if that Add-In caused the problem. If not,
put it back in.

Write to the company that put out the Add-In with a complaint, and possibly
a bill for your time.

Hope this helps,

Mike Badley said:
I work with documents that have photos pasted in tables. Somehow, one of
my graphics programs that came with a scanner (Easy Photo) has been adding a
button to my main toolbar (normal.dot) to launch the Easy Photo app
everytime I paste in a photo in a document. Pretty soon, my toolbar has a
dozen EZP buttons on it and I have to 'reset' the tool bar to original
factory settings. Is there some way I can stop Easy Photo from adding
itself to my main tool bar?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Somewhere on your computer you have the EZ-Photo application (probably
installed by a scanner or other hardware). This software adds an add-in to
Word's Startup folder, and the add-in adds the button(s) to your toolbar.

Unfortunately, the add-in was written for Word 95 and doesn't function
properly with later versions, so you need to remove it. Once you've done
this, you can remove any and all EZP buttons from Word using Tools |
Customize. The files you're looking for (to delete) are Ezpwll32.wll,
Ezphoto.wll, Ezpwll.wll, and Ezpwll16.wll. You'll need to display Hidden and
System files in order to find these using Windows Find/Search.

For more on EZ-Photo, see "WD2000: Problems Caused By EZ-Photo 2.7 and
Earlier Versions [Q224727]." Note that it should *not* be necessary to
rename Normal.dot as this article suggests; this will remove all your
customizations, and the only reason I can see for doing it is to remove the
EZP buttons, which you can easily do yourself.

Mike Badley said:
I work with documents that have photos pasted in tables. Somehow, one of
my graphics programs that came with a scanner (Easy Photo) has been adding a
button to my main toolbar (normal.dot) to launch the Easy Photo app
everytime I paste in a photo in a document. Pretty soon, my toolbar has a
dozen EZP buttons on it and I have to 'reset' the tool bar to original
factory settings. Is there some way I can stop Easy Photo from adding
itself to my main tool bar?

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