Unwanted Double Quotes produced by Excel




I'm using Excel 2003 to generate HTML. It was initially done using
formula, but then I converted it to a VBA function.

If I paste the generated code straight into a text editor, I get the

"<tr><th scope=""row"" align=""left"" id=""RowCSCG"">Credit Suisse
Capital Growth</th>
<td id=""RowCSCG FundSize"" align=""center"">18.8</td>
<td id=""RowCSCG AnnualReturns1Year"" align=""center"">14.2%</td>
<td id=""RowCSCG AnnualReturns3Years"" align=""center"">-1.9%</td>
<td id=""RowCSCG AnnualReturns5Years"" align=""center"">-</td></tr>

Note all attribute values are enclosed in 2 double quotes and the line
itself is also enclosed in double quotes. This results in the page not

To overcome this, I
* copy these lines to the clipboard,
* switch to an open Word document and run a macro that
turns off smart quotes,
pastes the text as unformatted text,
removes the excess double quotes and
before copying to the clipboard,
* paste into text editor,
* repeat until all sections are completed.

I'd like to streamline this process and would like to know if
1. Excel can be prevented from adding the extra double quotes;
2. Failing that, any suggestions as to how this process could be

One appraoch I have in mind is to define a Word object within an Excel
macro that simulates the above tasks. I'm not quite sure how to do
this, but will continue to progress down this path.

In the meantime, if anyone has a better suggestion or can offer some
quick advice, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you

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