Unwanted e-mail addresses



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Power PC Email Client: pop E-mail addresses from spam emails keep getting added to my address book, but when I open it to delete them, I can't find them. I know they're there because they come up when I try to address an email. Where are they kept and how can I remove them?


E-mail addresses from spam emails keep getting added to my address book, but
when I open it to delete them, I can't find them. I know they're there because
they come up when I try to address an email. Where are they kept and how can I
remove them?
They are being added to the Most Recently Used or Autofil list not your
Address Book. Any message marked as Junk (either by you or the Junk Mail
Filter) will not be added to the MRU list.

Use the Clear list button to start new.


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