Unwanted Font Changes


Roberts Family

Perhaps below the IQ of this particular NG, but there are no others I could
find. Sometimes, when in a document I have copied and pasted to an MSWord
document, when I do something as simple as hit the delete key, an entire
block of text will change. It can happen very often in the same document
and it becomes annoying. I have looked all over help for embedded font
codes and the like and cannot find where this font problem can be solved.
Any advice?


William J. Roberts
913 Spruce Court
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-1021


it sound to me like you are deleting paragraph marks.

on your tool bar you will see a " ¶ " symbol. click on that and it shows all
your paragraph marks and spaces and the like.

you may have text formatted one way before a " ¶ "mark, and the other way
after a " ¶ "mark, if you delete the " ¶ " you will lose one set of

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Roberts,
Perhaps below the IQ of this particular NG, but there are no others I could
Which interface are you working through? There's an entire slew of word.
groups for end-users on the "original" microsoft server
(msnews.microsoft.com). If you're connecting through a "third-party"
interface, then chances are they just picked this up because it was newly
created. Best would be if you'd go directly over msnews; next best would be to
contact your "provider" and request they pick up and provide the other word
groups from msnews, along with this one.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Carol R.

Try Edit/Paste Special when pasting in the new material. This should
prevent formatting from the other document from affecting yours.

Carol R. who knows how annoying that can be.

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