Unwanted footnote macro. How to turn off?



In Word2003, when attempting to create a footnote , I've mysteriously
started getting a footnote wizard. It purports to cancel and let you bypass
it but it stops the whole process and no footnote is created. If you
continue you have to create your footnote and then edit out all the junk
that's thrown into the footnote by the wizard. I don't know why this
happens. I've tried uninstalling plausible wizards by using "Add or remove
programs" in Control panel and selecting Word. None of the choices point to
this footnote deal and searching for wizard files (*.wiz) on the hard drive
only reveals the wizards that I saw using "Add or remove programs."

Does anyone know how I can kill this unpleasant feature? I recently bought
a new desktop and Microsoft Office 2003. I think it started doing this from
the first time I tried to create a footnote.



I found a clumsy way to solve this problem.

Go to Organizer.

Remove "FrmFootNoteWiz" from the list of Normal syles.

Insert a footnote.

You'll get the macro error dialog box for a Visual Basic routine called
Insert Footnote.

Choose debug.

Put an apostrophe in front of "Show footnote wiz" or words to that effect.
Should be penultimate line of code.

Exit all the way out.

I had to deal with footnote initially that was centered and intalicized.
Correcting those problems once was enough to make subsequent footnotes

Use at your own risk but footnotes can be created now in my documents
without the maddening "helpful" wizard mysteriously interposing itself.


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