HELP!! I regularly tear my hair out using MSWord (Prof
2002) with the automatic formatting features. Could
someone please tell me how to conserve the ORIGINAL
formatting of a pasted section when pasted into a
document? I have a huge long document that is in
Trebuchet MS font, and when I paste in a section that was
originally in that font as well, it pastes in as Times New
Roman, sometimes it pastes in as bold and in italics. I
am at my wit's end. thanks
2002) with the automatic formatting features. Could
someone please tell me how to conserve the ORIGINAL
formatting of a pasted section when pasted into a
document? I have a huge long document that is in
Trebuchet MS font, and when I paste in a section that was
originally in that font as well, it pastes in as Times New
Roman, sometimes it pastes in as bold and in italics. I
am at my wit's end. thanks