Unwanted line following a page break


Tony Burton

I'm using a page break prior to beginning a new heading line centered
within 3 gray shaded lines at the top of the new page. However, there is
always a para marker above this which moves the shaded lines (and all
text) down one line. I don't want this as the text on facing pages is no
longer even at the top of the page.

If I try to delete this para marker, it remains and the line below
(consisting of a grey bar) deletes!

How to I get the new heading to begin at the top of the page?

Thanks for any help. Tony

Phillip Jones

Have you tried to move the Paragraph marker That's attached to to the
Line Break and insert it after the Grey line(s).

Turn on the Paragraph marks visibility (click on the Paragraph mark
menu icon)

Highlight the paragraph Mark and attached page Break.

hit command -C (Cut) then directly at end of your Grey line, click
beside it to make cursor move there. the hit command -P to paste.

or you should be able to click on the page break mark to highlight and
drag and drop.

or delete the page break and place cursor at the end of your grey line
by clicking mouse button just after the paragraph mark for the line and
choose insert Page break.

one of methods should get you what you want.

Tony said:
I'm using a page break prior to beginning a new heading line centered
within 3 gray shaded lines at the top of the new page. However, there is
always a para marker above this which moves the shaded lines (and all
text) down one line. I don't want this as the text on facing pages is no
longer even at the top of the page.

If I try to delete this para marker, it remains and the line below
(consisting of a grey bar) deletes!

How to I get the new heading to begin at the top of the page?

Thanks for any help. Tony

Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



Daiya Mitchell

Hi Tony,

For what's it's worth, I have no problem inserting a page break without
getting a paragraph mark above it. Word 2004, office 11.2.6 update applied.

How did you apply the shading? (I did find that if I tried to shade the top
paragraph after a manual page break, the page break also got shading, which
showed up on the previous page, so that may be why you need the extra
paragraph mark--using Format | Borders and Shading)

One approach: Instead of inserting a manual page break, put the cursor in
the top paragraph, and use Format | Paragraph to tag it "page break before".
When I shaded that top paragraph, the shading did not carry over to the page
break and the last line before, and as far as I can tell, I achieved your
desired result.


First of all, try to avoid using manual (hard) page breaks - Cmd+Return.
What you want to accomplish can be better handled by the correct Formatting
choices which will be less likely to cause issues in the doc. It also sounds
like you are using several blank (empty) paragraphs before the heading - and
after I would assume - to provide your "gray shaded lines". Try it this way

Delete the page break & the empty paragraphs that precede your heading.

Click in the heading paragraph & go to Format>Paragraph;
On the Indents & Spacing Page enter the values you wish for Spacing
Before: & Spacing After:
On the Line & Page Breaks paage tick the checkbox of Page Break Before
Click OK
Go to Format>Borders & Shading;
On the Shading Page specify the color you want
On the Borders page choose the same Line color (or whatever color you

See how that works for you.

If these settings are going to be used in other headings throughout the doc
it would best to actually create a Paragraph Style to include them as well
as any other necessary formatting specifications. That way you can apply the
same Style to each para & be sure that exactly the same attributes are used
each time.

You might want to take a look at Shauna Kelly's web site, particularly;

http://www.shaunakelly.com/word/concepts/styles/ (don't let the references
to Windows put you off)

as well as Clive Huggan's material here;


Tony Burton

Have you tried to move the Paragraph marker That's attached to to the
Line Break and insert it after the Grey line(s).

Turn on the Paragraph marks visibility (click on the Paragraph mark
menu icon)

Highlight the paragraph Mark and attached page Break.

hit command -C (Cut) then directly at end of your Grey line, click
beside it to make cursor move there. the hit command -P to paste.

or you should be able to click on the page break mark to highlight and
drag and drop.

or delete the page break and place cursor at the end of your grey line
by clicking mouse button just after the paragraph mark for the line and
choose insert Page break.

Good day Phillip,

That doesn't work, even using command-X and and command-V. Can I e-mail you a small test file that
contains the just the relevant paragraphs with intervening page break that I'm having trouble with?

Tony Burton

"CyberTaz" <typegeneraltaz1ATcomcastdotnet> said:
First of all, try to avoid using manual (hard) page breaks - Cmd+Return.
What you want to accomplish can be better handled by the correct Formatting
choices which will be less likely to cause issues in the doc. It also sounds
like you are using several blank (empty) paragraphs before the heading - and
after I would assume - to provide your "gray shaded lines". Try it this way

Many thanks - Page Break Before solves my problem.

Phillip Jones

Tony said:
Good day Phillip,

That doesn't work, even using command-X and and command-V. Can I e-mail you a small test file that
contains the just the relevant paragraphs with intervening page break that I'm having trouble with?

Sure if you wish. Although I believe you have found the way in other
post in this thread. Would be interesting to see what you were dealing

Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



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