Unwanted Page Breaks


colin smith

Dear All,

I have a hooge document in which is a huge table. The table has rows. Most
rows (and in particular the ones with which I am struggling) are small enough
that several can fit on one page...
....but some won't.

I have found Microsoft doc 233493 unwanted page breaks and
http://www.officearticles.com/word/tables_dont_display_properly_in_microsoft_word.htm but none of the suggestions changes the effect.

In particular the rows before and after the offending ones have no paragraph
formatting ticked. The first row (of two) that I would like on the same page
has keep with next ticked...
....but the next row stays on the next page,

Stefan Blom

See http://word.mvps.org/faqs/tblsfldsfms/keeptableon1page.htm.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
Dear All,

I have a hooge document in which is a huge table. The table has rows. Most
rows (and in particular the ones with which I am struggling) are small enough
that several can fit on one page...
...but some won't.

I have found Microsoft doc 233493 unwanted page breaks and
but none of the suggestions changes the effect.

colin smith

Dear Stefan,

thanks for the link but it doesn't help.

My table is large and contains many rows of differing sizes over many pages,
the link is referring to individual rows breaking (or not ) across a page
boundary or keeping the whole table "together" (whatever that means).

I have already cleared allow rows to break across pages, I have already
cleared keep with next for rows out of the area I want to appear on one page.
I have set keep with next for rows except for the last one I would like on
the one page but they don't keep together.

I have also set keep with next for the whole table as a trial but the rows I
want to keep together don't even though there's plenty of room on the page,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Maybe have a look at
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/ControlPgBrksInTables.htm. Note that
this can be very tricky. Occasionally you can select an entire row and go to
Format | Paragraph, and it will report that "Keep with next" is not checked,
and yet one paragraph in one cell of the row actually will have that
property set. You can also run into problems with vertically merged cells,
though that should not be an issue if you are allowing rows to break.

colin smith said:
Dear Stefan,

thanks for the link but it doesn't help.

My table is large and contains many rows of differing sizes over many pages,
the link is referring to individual rows breaking (or not ) across a page
boundary or keeping the whole table "together" (whatever that means).

I have already cleared allow rows to break across pages, I have already
cleared keep with next for rows out of the area I want to appear on one page.
I have set keep with next for rows except for the last one I would like on
the one page but they don't keep together.

I have also set keep with next for the whole table as a trial but the rows I
want to keep together don't even though there's plenty of room on the page,


but none of the suggestions changes the effect.

colin smith

Dear Suzanne,

thanks for the link but it did not help.

I have always selected whole rows when I have changed paragraph properties
so I know all cells are the same.
As far as I know (and I may not because the document is mature and has had
many authors) there are no vertically merged cells.
I am not allowing rows to break, although I have as a trial and it made no

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