Ginny Ross
I am creating a report with captions and equations that
have cross-references in the body of the text (i.e. the
words "Figure 1" hyperlink to the actual caption for
Figure 1.
The problem is that after I save the document and re-open
it, Word has inserted multiple paragraph marks (i.e.
returns) before the cross-reference field (i.e. the
words "Figure 1" so that a large gap occurs in my document.
For example, the text body might say:
Word is a great application, especially when compared to
the old manual type-writer shown in Figure 1. They were
very difficult to operate and not much fun.
After saving, it comes up as:
Word is a great application, especially when compared to
the old manual type-writer shown in
Figure 1. They were very difficult to operate and not
much fun.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ginny
have cross-references in the body of the text (i.e. the
words "Figure 1" hyperlink to the actual caption for
Figure 1.
The problem is that after I save the document and re-open
it, Word has inserted multiple paragraph marks (i.e.
returns) before the cross-reference field (i.e. the
words "Figure 1" so that a large gap occurs in my document.
For example, the text body might say:
Word is a great application, especially when compared to
the old manual type-writer shown in Figure 1. They were
very difficult to operate and not much fun.
After saving, it comes up as:
Word is a great application, especially when compared to
the old manual type-writer shown in
Figure 1. They were very difficult to operate and not
much fun.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ginny